[교양서] 영어스피킹 기적의 영어코칭 30 (윈리엄 A. 반스)
제목: 영어스피킹 기적의 영어코칭 30
지은이 : 윌리엄 A. 반스
출판사 : 커뮤니케이션북스
초판 발행 : 2014년 01월 01일
소비자 가격 : 13,500원
1. 서론
딱! 내가 원하는 책이었다. 식상한 문법 책도 아니고 냅다 단어 만 있는 책도 아니었다. 우리가 하지말아야 할 표현을 딱딱 집어서 그 문장들을 수정해 주었다. 우리나라 사람들이 많이 쓰는 'Thank you'와 'I'm sorry' 또한 우리가 의도하지 않은 뜻으로 Native들에게 전달되고 있다고 지적하며 이러한 문장들을 사용할 때 주의점과 상황에 알맞은 대체 표현들에 대해 잘 알려주고 있었다.
2. 작가
저자 윌리엄 A. 반스는 언어학 박사이다. 예일대학교 비즈니스 스쿨 커뮤니케이션 센터장으로서 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션, 비교 언어학등을 가르치고 있다. 이때, 외국인 학생들을 가르치며 생긴 노하우 들을 그의 저서 '영어 스피킹 기적의 법칙 7'와 '영어 스피킹 기적의 영단어 100' 등에 잘 풀어 놓고있다.
3. 내용
1. Thank you: thank you for saying that/ responding so quickly/ checking on it.
2. I’m sorry : excuse me, / well, / so, /could I just ask you to help me/ could I get my check
3. 메일회신: 24h 이내, 메일받았다는 사실, 시간이 걸리는 이유, 회신 확정일
4. Can/ can’t 구별
5. 모르거나 의심쩍은 부분 확인: Sorry, I still missed that / I still missed some parts of that. Could you just restate it? / I’m sorry, I’m still not quite following you. Could you explain that again? / I’m still having a little trouble following you. Would you mind repeating it? orCould you say that a little more slowly for me?
6. 단어 늘려 말하기: 한단어에 두개 이상의 모음이 있을 때 강세 있는 부분을 늘린다. 짧은 단어의 경우 끝이 b, d, g, v로 끝나는 경우 늘린다.
7. Very/really 테크닉: 형용사 강조할 때 사용하고 사물의 상태나 상황에 관한 상대방의 진술 또는 관찰을 강조하는데 적합하고 다른단어보다 길게 발음 : It’s an important point -> it’s a very important point./ they have a big problem -> they have a very big problem
8. 거절: Let me get back to you with the answer in a few days./ I’ve already committed myself to something
9. 칭찬: you really did a good job on this report -> I appreciate your positive feedback. I enjoyed working on it. / I like your new short hair style. -> thank you for saying that. I’ve just had it done for summer / thanks for the compliment!
10. No 라고 말하지 않는 능력: yes, that may be true, but… / well, I can see your point, but… / I see what you mean, but…
11. I don’t know: I am not sure/ I am unsure, but let me find out.
12. No, I can’t: I’m having difficulty finding your email./ It’s challenging for him to understand you.
13. 대화 마무리 6단계: 1. 대화를 끝내는 신호를 보낸다(well, so 길게). 2. 상대방의 이름을 효과적으로 사용한다(Oh, Patrick, it’s a pleasure to meet you). 3. 대화를 나눠서 좋았다는 마음을 전한다(well, Laura, it’s been really nice speaking with you/ So, I’ve enjoyed chatting with you, Mark./ Well, Mr. White, I’m delighted we had this chance to talk) 4. 변명한다(I should be heading home/ well, you must want to talk with some other people, so perhaps we should mingle a bit more/ oh, I just noticed my friend, and I should say hello). 5. 좀 더 대화를 나누고 싶은 심정을 표현한다(I hope we have a chance to speak again soon/ maybe we’ll have a chance to talk more the next time we meet.)/ 6. 긍정적인 한마디를 덧붙인다(hope you enjoy your stay in Korea!/ it was so good to see you!) -> well, john, it’s been really nice speaking with you. I especially enjoyed hearing about your work at the newspaper. But I need to see a few more people before it gets too late. Maybe we’ll have a chance to talk more later. It was great to meet you!
14. Yes+and: yes, it was -> yes, and I really enjoyed it. I went to a concert in the park and brought my dog.
15. #3 : 3가지를 중요한 것에서 사소한 것 순으로, 짧은 음절에서 긴 음절로 배열 하면 효과적
16. How are you? 의 대답: I’m doing great, thanks, now that I’ve just submitted a big report to my team. / I’m a bit tired now that I’m working on a new project.
17. 인사말(openings): Dear Mr. (family name): > Dear Mr. (family name), > Dear (first name): > Dear (first name), > Hello (first name), > Hi (first name), > (first name), > Hello, > Hi, > Hey, > Thanks, Susan, for taking care of this
18. 맺음말(closings): Sincerely, > Best regards, / Best wishes, / All the best, / Cordially, > Regards, > Best, >Thanks! > Cheers!
19. 말하기 속도: ‘각 문장 뒤’, ‘의미단위 뒤’에 간격을 둔다
20. 무례한 ‘you can’: You could visit the museum / You might consider going to the ice cream shop. / You might enjoy walking near the lake. / One suggestion is to eat at the Italian restaurant. / Another option would be to watch a movie.
21. 첫 문장: 1. 메일 주제 전달하기(I write to update you on…/ I write with some news about…/ I’m writing to ask about…/ I’m writing to schedule another meeting. / I’m writing to confirm the arrival of our package. / I wanted to follow up on… / I wanted to ask for your advice about… / some items came up about… , and I wanted to run them by you. 2. 인간관계를 형성하기(it was great seeing you last month at… / our conservation yesterday helped to… / thank you for sending the updated budget information. It’s quite helpful for our planning. / I appreciated you coming to our office last week. The discussion was valuable step for our project.
22. 바꿔 말히기(paraphrasing): ok, so as I understand it, you are saying that … / you seem to be saying that … / let me see if I understand. You noted … / so your central concern seems to be … let me try to paraphrase your point as I understand it.
23. 악수 인사: it’s nice to have met/spoken with/worked with you, and I look forward to seeing you again. -> The pleasure was mine/ same here. Have a good day
4. 느낀점
위에서 본바와 같이 native가 아닌 사람들이 주로 실수하는 것들을 하나 하나 나열해서 고쳐주는 책이었다. 해외 비지니스를 지금 하고 있는 분들은 물론, 예비 글로벌 리더, 학생들까지 모두에게 도움이 될만한 책이었다. 나의 별점은 9점/10점^^
로그인이 필요없는 공감♥클릭(↓↓)은 Sammy 에게 큰 도움이 됩니다 :)